360 Degrees, LLC
At 360 Degrees, LLC , we create our websites with both style,content and usability in mind. Our web development team has many years of experience developing well-designed, informative, professional-looking websites which help businesses attract more clients. Customers will be able to easily navigate your website and find all the information they need about you and your services.
We are a Michigan company which designs different types of websites: Static Web design, Content Management System (CMS), Ecommerce website design, Mobile website design, Website maintenance. In addition to web design services, we offer internet marketing services as well, such as: SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to help your website rank higher on search results, Social Media Marketing and Management (Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.), create and optimize promotional videos for YouTube, PPC (pay-per-click) campaigns to advertise on search engines (e.g. Google, Bing, Yahoo), email newsletter marketing, Statistical Analysis of your website visitors, etc.
Contact Information
PO Box 682
Troy, MI 48099